Bethel (The House of God)Message believers |
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Questions And Answers: Shepherds/ Hirelings/ Wolves/ Goats & The sheep
Question # 119: Heretical Article No. 122: "Message Preachers differ in doctrine-are all God's servants?" Question # 120: Heretical Article No. : 123: "Message preachers with contrary doctrines-can they lead their flock to the rapture?" Question #121: Heretical Article No. 124: "Divisions in the Message-are believers or ministers the cause?" Question # 122: Heretical Article No. 125: "Five-fold ministers-are they those from U.S.A. who met the Prophet?" Question # 123: Heretical Article No. 126: "Five-fold ministry-are divisions in the Message because of their lack of growth?" Question # 124: Heretical Article No. 127: "Five-fold ministry-only God has one or Satan also?" Question # 125: Heretical Article No. 128: "Message ministers-how to identify the true from the false?" Question # 126: Heretical Article No. 129: "Called Ministers-can they preach contrary to the Word?" Question # 127: "God called men in error-How to identify them from a false and satanic minister?" Question # 128: Heretical Article No. 130: "A divine call to preach-does it comes by a dream and the ability to understand the message?" Question # 129: "Deacon's call to preach-should I wait until God reveals it to me?" Question # 130: "Five-fold ministry-What are their spiritual qualifications and requirements?" Question # 131: "Preacher-is their any such office in the Bible?" Question # 132: "Pastor-what is the age for becoming one?" Question # 133: "Pastor-could he be an unmarried man?" Question # 134: "Pastors-do they require ordination by laying on of hands?" Question # 135: "Message Pastors: Could they preach if their wives are in denominations?" Question # 136: "A Supernatural call-should I wait for one like Samuel before I preach?" Question # 137: "Message Ministers-should they separate from worldly wives who don't want to hear the message?" Question # 138: "Minister call-is there any vindication?" Question # 139: Heretical Article No. 131: "Ministerial succession-Can a pastor ordain his son?" Question # 140: "Ministers-Is it unscriptural to be one if you had previous criminal backgrounds etc.?" Question # 141: "Ministers call-How to know?" Question # 142: Heretical Article No. 132: "Church President, chairman or directors-are these scriptural positions?" Question # 143: "Minister's meetings-should they be held often?"
Question # 144: "Five-fold office gifts-please explain them and their functions?" Question # 145: Heretical Article No. 133: "Ministers meetings-are these the gathering of all offices of the Five-fold ministry?" Question # 146: "Five-fold ministry-can it be identified in any part of the world?" Question # 147: "Five-fold ministry-why are the four gospels silent about it?" Question # 148: "Five-fold ministry-was it identified before or after Pentecost?" Question # 149: "Five-fold ministry-will each local assembly have?" Question # 150: "Who should lead the church?" Question #151: "Evangelism-Should I wait for power before I go?" Question #152: "Evangelism-should ministers go two by two?" Question #153: "Five-fold ministers-could one be a Eunuch?"
Question #154: "Pastor-what is his position and his duty in the church?" Question # 155: "Pastors-difference of policies or doctrines-how should we handle this?" Question # 156: Heretical Article No. 135: "Immoral pastor-who and how to correct him?" Question # 157: Heretical Article No. 136: "Pastor-Termination of his office if he preaches heresies?" Question # 158: Heretical Article No. 137: "Pastor-what to do if he aborted his wife?" Question # 159: "Pastor-should he alone give final decisions in all church matters; also, how should sins be corrected and reconciliation be made?" Question # 160: Heretical Article No. 138: "Pastor- can he continue to pastor if he backslides and repents?" Question # 161: Heretical Article No. 139: "Immoral and lying Pastor-what action should be taken against him?"
Question # 162: Heretical Article No. 140: "Pastor-should he try to have a young preacher take his daughter's hand in marriage?" Question #163: Heretical Article No. 141:"Ministers families-if they are not in the faith, should they continue to preach or step down?" Question # 164: Heretical Article No. 142: "Pastors visiting women's home-please explain the order?" Question # 165: Heretical Article No. 143: "Young women-should ministers go to their homes or deal with them at church?" Question: # 166:"We want to be hard-line ministers to lead the young by the word and message." Question # 167: "Pastor-should he make matches between couples for marriages?" Question # 168: Heretical Article No. 144: "Minister's & Elder's wife-please explain their conduct and character?" Question # 169: Heretical Article No. 145: "Pastor's wife-should she give him Scriptures to preach if she is spiritual?" Question # 170: Heretical Article No. 146: "Minister's wife-could she discuss church matters with ministers when they are gathered?" Question # 171: "Pastor-can he continue to preach if he leaves his wife for disobedience?" Question # 172: "Preaching-can anybody preach if none in the church is found worthy to be pastor?" Question #173: Heretical Article No. 147: "Pastor's wife-should she discipline, correct or rebuke members, deacons or elders in a church?"
Question #174: Heretical Article No. 148: "Tithes-should a pastor alone partake of it?" Question # 175: "Minister's mistakes-will the Lord forgive him or forsake him like Saul?" Question # 176: "Pastor-can he continue in his office if unbelieving father and mother are living in his house?" Question # 177: Heretical Article No. 149: "Pastor-should he beat his wife, daughters and sons and can he continue to be a pastor?" Question # 178: "Pastor-if he resigns his office, should the people take him back if he wants to return, or seek another pastor?" Question # 179: Heretical Article No. 150: "Ministers-should they or believers be involved in politics?" Question: # 180: "Pastor-should he remain absent from the Church for long periods, if he is not sick?" Question # 181: Pastor: Can he stay at unsaved relatives-Roman Catholics? Question # 182: "Evangelist: should he stay by ministers or at a hotel when he goes to preach?" Question # 183: "Ministers: Should they send their sons and daughters to Universities?" Question # 184: "Evangelist: Should he take his wife with him wherever he goes for evangelical work?" Question # 185: "Pastor-If his wife dies can he remarry?" Question # 186: "Pastor- should he consult with the deacons and elders before inviting other ministers to preach?" Question: # 187: "Ministers and Elders-responsibility for observing believers conduct and morals?" Question: # 188: "Pastor's Wife: Can she wear a Simple Necklace?" Question # 189: "Pastors in India- are more interested in tithes. Who should look after the money matters in the church?" Question # 190: "Tithes: "Those who do not pay, can they take communion. What about those who have no jobs?" Question # 191: "Tithes-should a minister pay?" Question # 192: "Tithing-is it in the New Testament, and should we thrash it even if Brother Branham said so?" Question # 193: "Tithes-does it belong to the pastor alone." Question # 194: "Tithes- is it to be paid only to servants of God? If there are no Message churches in my area, is it wrong to send it to V.O.G?" Question # 195: "Tithes- should I pay to a man who preaches heresies?" Question # 196: "Pastor-If a man don't believe his teachings, should he remain as a congregational member and try to deliver the sheep, or should he leave? Question # 197: "Paul-certain histories said he was once married, just like a pastor should be married. How true could this statement be? Also, can a minister be a divorcee?" Question # 198: Heretical Article # 151: "Cottage meetings-is it necessary that the Pastor attend all?" Question # 199: Heretical Article # 152: "Backslidden brother-should the Pastor conduct a service at his house?" Question # 200: "Minister-Can he pastor more than one Church?" Question # 201: "Assistant pastor-what are his functions and duties?" Question # 202: "Elder-please explain this office?" Question # 203: Heretical article No. 153: "Deacons-can they exercise power over the pastor and the whole church?" Question # 204: Heretical Article No. 154: "Treasurers-should they have control of all the funds and not the pastor." Question # 205: Heretical Article No. 155:"Trustee-should the pastor obey him?" Question # 206: Heretical Article No. 156: "Bishop-could he advise the Pastor?"
Question # 207: "Office gifts and nine divers gifts-what are the differences?" Question # 208: "Divers gifts-are there only nine?" Question # 209: "Nine divers gifts-identify each gift and explain their Question # 210: "Divers gifts-can a man besides Jesus and Brother Branham operate all nine?" Question # 211: Heretical Article No. 157: "Gifts-are they evidence of having the Holy Ghost?" Question # 212: Heretical Article No. 158: "Nine divers gifts-were they restored in 1906 or should we look for gifts to come?" Question #213: Heretical Article No. 159: "Nine divers gifts-were they set in order in the Branham tabernacle by Brother Branham?" Question # 214: Heretical Article No. 160: "Nine divers gifts-are they operating in message churches?" Question # 215: Heretical Article No. 161: "Gifts-are they few is the reason we don't see them like in the early Apostolic Church?" Question # 216: Heretical Article No. 162: "Gifts-should we look for them or only the rapture."
Question # 217: Heretical Article No. 163: "Gifts-are they done away from the Church Since the perfect Word came?" Question # 218: Heretical Article No: 164: "Gifts-Did 1906 Pentecostals have them without the Giver?" Question # 219: Heretical Article No. 165: "Nine divers gifts-are they all in full operation but only need setting in order?" Question # 220: Heretical Article N0. 166: "Prophecies-should ministers be led by them?" Question # 221: Heretical Article No. 167: "Gifts not yet perfected-is this why some of our prophets' prophecies don't come to pass?" Question # 222: Heretical Article No. 168: "Tongues-should it be done without interpretation?" Question # 223: Heretical Article No. 169: "Tongues- some are offended when corrected." Question # 224: Heretical Article No. 170: "Tongues-should pastor speak from the pulpit without interpretation?" Question # 225: Heretical Article No. 171: "Demonic manifestations-is that the Holy Ghost or not?" Question # 226: "Gifts-How are they set in order in the church of God?"
Question # 227: "Dreams and Visions-please explain the difference?" Question # 228: Heretical Article No. 172: "Dreams-can a pastor interpret?" Question # 229: "Dreams-are there some that needs no interpretation and others that does?" Question # 230: Heretical Article No. 173: "Dreams & visions-pastors are led by them. How to know if they are true of false?" Question # 231: "Vision-Is the ability to see it a gift? Then why is it not mentioned in 1Corinthians 12?"
Question # 232: "Music and songs-are they gifts of the Spirit?" Question # 233: Heretical Article No. 174: "Musical instruments-which should be used in a church and which should be avoided?" Question # 234: Are any musical instruments allowed in the prayer meeting? Are any electrical equipment allowed, like radio, television, telephone, etc? Question # 235: Heretical Article No. 175: "Music-who is qualified to play in church?" Question # 236: Heretical Article No. 176: "Worldly music-should Pastor allow it to be played in church?" Question # 237: Heretical Article No. 177: "Song leading and special songs-who is qualified to do this?" Question # 238: Heretical Article No. 178: "Singing-can some not walk right and yet be anointed to sing?" Question # 239: Heretical Article No. 179: "Musicians and song leaders-what can I as a pastor do to stop strifes and contentions amongst them?" Question # 240: "Services in Bethel-explain to us their basic conduct and order and what it has to do with the presence of Christ that is with you?"
Question # 241: "How many services are convenient for a week at a church?" Question # 242: "We sit under long boring preaching without much substance, should this be so?" Question # 243: "How is a prayer meeting conducted? Some praying, beat and break the chairs, scream, swing their hands and hit others. Women take the lead while others laugh and talk." Question # 244: "We heard of prayer chains. Did Brother Branham encouraged such, and how are they conducted?" Question # 245: "What is true dedication and consecration in prayer and fasting? Some eat, drink and man and wife sleep together. Are these things right?' Question # 246: Heretical Article No. 180: "We have competitions amongst ministers and deacons, in preaching and for offices. How edifying is this for the congregation?"
Question # 247: Heretical Article No. 181: "Some ministers and young men fasted long and prayed to have power like the prophet WMB, and lost their minds, others died, how can God fail them?" Question # 248: "Are sisters permitted to pray in church?"
Question #249: Heretical Article No. 182: "Song leaders-should they preach when leading songs?" Question # 250: Heretical Article No. 183: "Song leader-should he or the pastor be over the music program?" Question #251: "A famous singer or musician-should they be engaged in church services immediately after being saved?" Question # 252: "Song-leader-should any person lift their voice louder than his and take the lead by songs, or by amplify the musical instruments?" Question # 253: "Are the believers out of the Spirit or unspiritual if they don't say, 'Hallelujah, Praise God etc.?" Question # 254: Heretical Article No. 184: "Is this right for the pastor and deacons to discipline the congregation because they don't lift their hands and praise God and shout?" Question # 255: "What is the liberty of any person on the pulpit in demanding saints to lift their hands, sing, worship, say amen or other items?" Question # 256: Heretical Article No. 185: "Some fall on the floor and women are exposed in worship services. Am I wrong to hate this?" Question # 257: Heretical Article No. 186: "Officers of the church take the liberty and control and say who should sing or testify at service, and fuss with the pastor if he objects; is this right?" Question # 258: Heretical Article No. 187: "Some have long drawn-out testimonies and kill the services and people are tired when I, the pastor, comes to the pulpit. What should I do?"
Question # 260: Heretical Article No. 189: "I love all in my church and I live the life, but some resent, despise, hate, shun and don't talk to me. Why is this?" Question # 261: "If a brother or sister in the church is always talking against the Pastor; should the church excommunicate him or her?" Question # 262: Heretical Article No. 190: "I believe all your work on the exposition books. People in my church are always fussing with each other and visitors on doctrine; women also. How should I handle them? Some don't come to church until I am preaching, and criticize other preachers. The same people do as they please." Question # 263: Heretical Article No. 191: "I believe the truth you preach. My church had several divisions; some were led away by ambitious brethren who are spiritual, and who were cliquing together." Question # 264: "Why don't I catch on to Satan's working in my church until divisions already take place?" All seem to be so sincere and spiritual with much fruits of the Spirit, kind, friendly, gentle, smiling always." Question # 265: Heretical Article No. 192: "Some are always in fellowship with false teachers and backsliders and don't hang around believers saying they must show love; why?" Question # 266: "If a false thunder pastor or a minister meets us, should we talk with them or not? If they invite us to their church, should we attend their meetings seeing that they also believe the message?" Question # 267: "If all the churches are running under heresies in our area, what must I do? Should I remain at home?" Question # 268: "I regularly go for fellowship in one of the churches in Bombay. But there is no church having a good pastor. They are heretics or corruptible and money lovers. What must I do?" Question # 269: Heretical Article No. 193: "Some parents beat their children when they give over to the Word and pastor, blame them as being fanatics and keep them away from church. Is this right?" Question # 270: "A woman who has plenty dollars, sends her son to work where no church believes the message; is this a money spirit? After years she is trying to prove the message." Question # 271: "Please help me to identify a spirit? A man let his son talk to me and he hid in a room to hear how I will answer a question about certain things that he disagreed with from the pulpit. I look at the son as a hypocrite, am I wrong?" Question # 272: Heretical Article No. 194: "This same man preaches to his family after each service, showing them the flaws in each message, but he believes the message. Why?"
Question # 273: "Under what condition is a member dismissed and believers should not fellowship with them?" Question # 274: "A brother absent from church-whose duty is it to go after him?"
Question #275: "Some pretend to believe the truth of the message and exposition books for money tricks in translation and printing; are you aware of such thieves or not?" Question # 276: "Please separate bread and fish disciples from needy saints; I am confused?" Question # 277: Heretical Article No. 195: "My doormen are quarrelsome, talk when singing and praying is going on, they are full of pride, and visitors are offended and leave; what to do with them?"
Question # 278: Heretical Article No. 196: "Some ministers and believers live in fear of witchcraft, and believe that it can harm them. We are in the midst of high idolatrous people and religions. Can they harm us?" Question # 279: "Can the Hour of Birth determine my whole life, like it was with Brother Branham; either a good influence or a bad one will follow a person if they become a believer or not?" Question # 280: "Can the sins of the ancestors, three or four generations back, be afflicted upon the children now?" Question # 281: "Suffers very much because of the fact of being born illegitimate; up and down in spiritual life. When backslidden; hard to come back. No great sin committed." Question # 282: "Do Churches have spirits? I am pursued by an evil spirit. Does the enemy have this right concerning me or has the battle become harder that things like this are dragging on?" Question #283: "I want to know that my sins are completely forgiven: those that I am aware of and those I am not aware of (The inherited ones and the acquired ones)." Question # 284: Heretical Article No. 197: "Should Christians be superstitious?"
Question # 285: "Who should perform Water Baptism?" Question #286: "Can one who was baptized under this faith and backslide be re-baptized at his request?" Question # 287: "Kindly give us a description or recommendation of wine that is suitable for the Lord's table {communion}, we are not sure what to buy as we cannot make it ourselves for a lack of crop." Question # 288: "A pastor in his church says that water baptism is not enough to take communion. You must have the Holy Ghost Baptism. Is this pastor judging who has the Holy Ghost or not?" Question # 289: "Who is eligible for communion?" Question # 290: "What is the method of taking the Lord's Supper? We do not have sufficient knowledge about the Lord's table." Question # 291: "Should communion be taken in the morning, evening or night?" Question # 292: "Foot Washing: please explain to us the way that it should be conducted?"
Question #293: "How should wedding services be conducted under the message, what are the scriptural requirements?" Question # 294: "What are the marriage vows to be taken by couples who believes the message?" Question # 295: "Is it scriptural to have bridesmaid, boy and girl, pretending to be bridegroom and bride?" Question # 296: "Should unsaved relatives and friends take leading roles" in wedding services?" Question # 297: "Should a special musical Band be hired for wedding ceremonies? Some women dress with high comb hairstyles, can't worship, and unsaved take leading roles." Question # 298: "A woman was betrothed to a man, got married in the court to another man. They were made to separate and handed over to the first man. Now they are living together after being blessed in the Lutheran church where she belonged. Now they want to be baptized by me. Are they not in Adultery and can I baptize them?" Question # 299: "Should Christian boys and girls honor and fulfill their marriage vows (promise) made to unsaved partners prior to their baptism, or should the vows be nullified, and they be allowed to seek new Christian partners, and continue to fellowship in church?" Question # 300: "If a Christian boy or girl takes a vow or gets married to a non-Christian partner, what steps should be taken by the church? How can it be corrected, are they to nullify their vows? Should they be divorced and re-marry Christian partners? Should they continue with their unbelieving mates, and in fellowship at church?" Question # 301: "Death, Burial and wakes, please advise us how to do those things?" Question # 302: "What are the scriptural requirements concerning funeral services, ceremonies and wakes?"Question 303: "Please explain the church's obligation to widows, poor and needy saints?"
Question # 305: "Can the endtime church of the message {Our church here}, be registered to the Government?" Summary of services-Questions and Answers Debate-Ganism Versus The Word Of Truth True Prophets Versus False Prophets
Our publication entitled, "Exposition of Damnable Heresies" Books one to nine, dealt with most of the major doctrines and teachings of the Bible, and moreover, the message of Malachi 4: 5 & 6. They are in circulation in most of the major countries of the world. Many perversions and heresies were exposed. Thousands are tremendously blessed by our work, which majors on exposing heretics and heresies, and endeavors to establish the purity of the message. Questions keep pouring in from various quarters with an expressed desire to understand the truth concerning many subjects. Many answers were given for the past few years through personal mails and publication of our books. In fact, our ninth book was dedicated to questions and answers. However, the greatest volume of questions sent to us recently from ministers, deacons, elders and message believers are partly responsible for the writing of this Book entitled, "Exposition of Damnable Heresies Questions &Answers: Shepherds/ Hirelings/ Wolves/ Goats & The sheep". They have expressed, by their multitude of questions relative to the ministry of Christ and church functions in general, the desperate and urgent need of such a work. The answers to such questions are sufficient for the completion of this most important work since it is fully supported by the scriptures and message of Malachi 4:5-6. The edification, which our associates, other ministers and message believers, have received from our previous work, won their confidence in us as ministers of the mysteries of God, who are capable, by the ability of God, to answer their questions, which trouble the church of God worldwide, causing the sheep, as well as Shepherds, much sufferings, confusions of doctrines, standards and eventual divisions. We feel obliged and under sworn obligation to God and men, not to betray this God given confidence and expectation of our associates, other servants of God and the sheep of God's pasture. Thus we approach this most vital subject of questions and answers, relative to the ministry of Christ, by the grace of God, and, as yielded vessels, fit and ready for the master's use, endeavoring to satisfy the hunger and thirst of gallant and humble servants of God and their flocks, locally and in foreign lands. The attitude of such servants of God, are unlike the proud, haughty, arrogant and know it all spirits of many preachers in the Western world.
We, as local ministers of the western world, the Caribbean, North and I South America were confident, as able ministers of the gospel, that we could have completed this task, since such answers are established by God's grace and more than thirty five years of experience in preaching the Word of God and message of the hour. Our answers to these questions are not simply intellectual or theorical, but are firmly based on practical establishment in our own lives, of such policies, qualifications, standards, conduct, order, and also in the congregation of the saints, since 1967, inspired by the born revivalist and first Martyr of the message of Malachi 4:5&6, Robert Lee Lambert, who stressed the establishment of such scriptural and message standards, since they have to do with the qualifications and requirements of the church of Christ to receive the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit like the day of Pentecost, which is to change and transform the Body of Christ for the long awaited rapture (Church ages, pg 376-380). Our associate ministers stood ready at the first notice and requests of answering these questions. Ministers and churches which are represented in this work are many, from the Caribbean, North and South America. Also from other countries are, Pastor and distributor, Ronald Watson, of Karnataka, India, Minister brother and distributor, Emeka Echenwunne of Nigeria, Africa, chief distributor and fellowlaborer of Europe, Michael Gaitan and ministers who contend for the Faith, our fellow ministers and associates from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria and Philippines. The ministers who were chiefly engaged in this spiritual exercise, are pastors Kenny Mcgahee and Gerald Renner of Connecticut USA, Pastor P. Penniston of South America, Guyana, R. Barrow, A Chandler, D. Seebrat, K. Bachan, Sookdeo Ramnarine {associate pastor}, and Dalton Bruce of Bethel "The House of God", Trinidad W.I. Included in this work, were vibrant young men and women, from Connecticut USA and Bethel {The House of God}, Trinidad W.I. Brother Ronald Jack had a most important contribution to this work, editing, locating scriptures, and identifying quotations of the prophet. Their work is of great importance and will benefit many around the world, and I am sure that they have a great reward bestowed in Heaven for them. May they be a part of this great revival and outpouring to come upon the endtime Bride. This booklet is a compilation of questions and answers and heretical articles that were exposed at various churches in the latter part of the year 2003, and taken from magnetic tape recordings. This book is free of charge, though Freewill contributions are accepted to cover printing and postage cost. This book may be reproduced by believers of the message of Malachi 4:5 & 6, but strictly without alteration in any form. Authorization for translation of this book into different languages must be given in writing from the Authors. We would like copies of the same for approval, before publication. We also apologize for any typographical errors in this booklet. Top
This Book entitled: "Exposition of Damnable Heresies Questions And Answer: Shepherds/Hirelings/Wolves/Goats & The sheep", seeks to meet the needs of both Shepherds and Sheep, since we have recognized a great need world-wide, expressed to us by letters, reports to us of ministers misconduct, heresies, and hundreds of questions pertinent to the subject of the ministry and an expressed desire for this most important publication. Thus, this work represents the testimony, life, conduct, order and doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets, and Jesus Christ, the chief corner stone, which were restored by Malachi 4:5-6, the prophet, William Branham, and established in the hearts and lives of God's shepherds and his sheep, elected from the foundation of the world. We of the Caribbean, North and South America, who are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, are identified with this prophetic ministry, and the conduct, order and doctrines, established from the Holy Scriptures. As a result, we are hated, despised and rejected by the religious world and many message followers. We are identified with practical message standards. Though we have suffered much persecutions and separations in standing for the purity of the message, and even more for exposing damnable heresies and heretics around the world, we are determined to stand for the truth and the elect lady, the Bride of Christ. By this work, we endeavor to establish apostolic standards, to present unto message believers, ministers and others who represent Jesus Christ, a complete revelation of church operation and office functions, from God to the Janitor, and even the herding of goats. This book can be well entitled, "The ministers manual", but the above title is preferred because it is designed to be a sheep's manual, to distinguish between true shepherds and hirelings. Thus it includes the true and false of the five-fold ministry, prophets, heretics and heresies, in relation to the sheep, elders, deacons, helps and governments, their requirements, qualifications, conduct and misconduct, operation of gifts; their blessings and curses; music, songs, dances, special singers and song leaders. Included are water baptism, communion, feet washing, weddings, funerals, widows, superstitions, the door man, janitor and the herding of Goats. We deem this work of great importance to remind ourselves, also to strengthen, edify and equip our associates around the world and all true shepherds and servants of Jesus Christ who endeavor to contend for the purity of the written Word and message of Elijah the prophet, Malachi 4:5 & 6. The sheep have heard for years, from many preachers, through millions of sermons, their Do's and Don'ts elaborated and preached from the Bible and message of the hour, but have seldom heard of the scriptural conduct, order, requirements and qualifications of ministers and elders. This work seeks to establish the short and long of the Do's and Don'ts of the ministry itself, and all related offices of the church of Jesus Christ. Questions, answers and exposition of heretical doctrines, which comprises this book, would include: who is a minister, if he is called of God or not, his requirements, qualifications, conduct, order and doctrine. It will expose the hireling in comparison to the true shepherd, who is worthy of double honor. It would continue to expose wolves in sheep's clothing, heretics and heresies, in various ways, without respect of persons, as evidently demonstrated in our previous work of nine books. We believe that this will be the first book of its kind ever written, for message believers to identify misconceptions and perversions of ministerial standards, requirements and qualifications, which were substituted for the original apostolic pattern and standards, which were restored and established by the prophet and the message of our age. Therefore this book is intended to be a pastors' handbook, a reference and guide to identify falsehood in the form of hirelings, wolves and goats among the flock of God. On the other hand, it is designed to also help the sheep to identify true shepherds from hireling and wolves. Thus, the only way to accomplish such a tremendous task is to give plain truth answers to plain truth questions, exclusively based upon the written Word and the revelation of the message of Malachi 4:5 & 6, Elijah the prophet, William Marrion Branham. ![]() William Marrion Branham |