![]() A Babtism at Bethel
Answer:(Acts 2:38-41, also Acts 8:26-40) A pastor, elder, deacon, minister and also the disciples of the Lord (St. John 4:2 Though Jesus Baptized himself not, but his disciples) can perform water baptism. Brother Paul who was a minister said, "I baptized also the household of Stephanas." (1 Corinthians 1:16). "And John also was baptizing in AEnon near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized." (John 3: 23).
Brother Branham baptized many hundreds of people, and maybe into the thousands. He was baptizing on the banks of the Ohio River when the pillar of fire came down and a voice spoke out. A pastor may have recognized helps to help him-those training to become deacons or ministers. A candidate for water baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ should seek out someone qualified to baptize them, because later that person may want to be rebaptized for conscience sake if they find out the man who had baptized them had some outstanding sin in his life, such as adultery or fornication. The only Christian formula is in the name of Jesus Christ. Matt 28:19 stressed the name of the father son and Holy Ghost. Peter had a revelation of the singular name which represents the three titles (Father Son and Holy Ghost) therefore in Acts 2:38 he commanded the people to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling the Lord's commission in Matt 28:19. All who were baptized in the New Testament were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and those who were not were rebaptized (Acts: 19) Luke: 24:47-49. Jesus commanded that repentance remission of sins should be preached in his name. Peter done that and baptized them in his name. Bro Paul commanded Colossians 3:17 Whatsoever we do in word or deed do it all in the name of Jesus Christ unless a person is baptized in the name of Jesus Christ he is not yet baptized in Christian Baptism but is baptized into the Roman Catholic Church if he is baptized in the titles of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Top
Answer:There is no scripture to support a believer that is backslid becoming re-baptized. But understanding the need of people who will find themselves in that situation, remembering that when we were baptized in the water we took some vows and one of the vows that we made was a promise to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth all the days of our life. It was a promise to serve him for the rest of our lives and if you backslide, of course you go back on your promise that you made to God. And then after years of backsliding you become convicted of your sins and you want to make a fresh commitment, you want to be given a fresh start. And sometimes in backsliding, people can bring reproach upon the Name of the Lord and cause people to say things about the Lord and about the Message that they should not and as a result of that they become a public disgrace. And people having found themselves in that situation, wants to come back and make a public confession of their faith and want to be rebaptized. This is permitted. You see, water baptism does not save someone, but it is a public confession of an inward work of grace a decision that you made already in your heart to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, to be identified with him, to be identified with his death, burial and resurrection. And having gone back on that through backsliding, this person wants to make another public declaration of their faith and of their forgiveness by the shed blood of Calvary and so requests to be rebaptized and make a fresh attempt to gain salvation. Now, a Christian walk is based on faith and many times the Devil keeps that hanging over of you because you backslid, and what people may think, and as a result one wants to be able to come out and let people know, that I've divorced that old pattern of life and I want to make a fresh start, and they want a fresh foundation, they want to clean up their slate. And so that's why some people request rebaptism and the Man of God here has allowed it in times past as we know. Now, that doesn't mean to say that everyone who backslides need to be rebaptized. We are not saying that you need to get rebaptized it depends on the individual, faith because it's the individual's faith that has been affected. Backsliding and sin affects your faith negatively and the Devil is right there to challenge you when you come to church. Some times people need to get a little help in order to get them started off afresh again. That's the effort really in allowing such a person to be rebaptized.
Answer:: The Scriptures, Matthew 26: 29 (Fruit of the grape vine), and it is also evident by 1 Corinthians 11, since it got wayward believers drunk. Malachi 4:5 & 6, Revelation 10:7 verified the same, that grape juice should not be used, but grape wine is appropriate for the Lord's table. He gave his reasons as follow:
Since there is a problem of lack of grape crop and you must purchase wine at the grocery, your first option should be buying grape wine of any brand available. This should be sanctified by the Word of God and prayer since it was not prepared by Christian hands. In any event, the minister prays over the wine, so it is sanctified. If grape wine is not available, we should consider bringing it from another source (Country etc.) or buy grape juice and make our own wine by adding brown sugar and stirring it into the juice, and let it ferment for three to five days, and strain or siphon to get rid of sediments. Add sugar again to fluid and let it sit for many more days. Taste to test strength of wine. If none of these options are possible, then you are forced to use some other wine closest to the grape wine. This is only my suggestion based upon the fact that instead of not having communion you will at least have a substitute wine until grape wine can be obtained. Top
Answer:We must be careful here, not knowing if this question is taken out of context, and not knowing what the pastor truly said, or if he was misrepresented. He may be simply quoting Brother Branham without proper placement. Brother Branham stated:
Now, a person could believe the Word, take it into their heart, and not yet have the great baptism of the Holy Spirit. Even as the disciples received the Lord, received the Word, and were served communion by our Lord Jesus Himself, (Matthew 26:26-29), but when it came to having the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and power for service, they didn't get that until the day of Pentecost.
The prophet of God referred to many experiences as the Baptism of the Holy Ghost:
Brother Branham also said the church has just about enough of the Holy Ghost to keep it from cursing, lying, stealing, and cheating, but we need a baptism to fill every fiber of our being. As far as the pastor judging who has the Holy Ghost or not, he might be judging, but the scripture says, "Let a man examine himself." (I Corinthians 11:28) Top
Answer:Many things and thoughts should be considered to determine who is eligible for communion. The scripture declares that a man or woman should examine themselves first, because to take communion unworthily is destruction. "Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink [this] cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of [that] bread, and drink of [that] cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. for this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world." (I Corinthians 11:27-32). Now, in some cases, a person may need to confide in his pastor, or minister, about whether or not he or she can partake in communion. Certain problems may need to be settled, in such cases as ought with one another, and offenses should be settled out according to the scripture, Matt. 18: 15-17. In some cases, people will take communion who should not take it, even as in the case of Judas Iscariot, who was ready to sell the Lord for 30 pieces of silver, yet the Lord served him communion. However, as the scripture has declared, "Let a man examine himself." Those taking communion should have repented for their sins, and been baptized in Christian baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, according to the scripture Acts 2:38. They must also be trying to live a life above sin, and fellowshipping in the spirit. When you take communion, you are showing to others that you are trying to be a Christian, and living the life as a Christian. The Bible prophesied that all tables will be full of vomit, and that is what we have presently in religious circles. People living sinful lives, yet they come to the Lord's table: Adultery, fornication, homosexuals, women in pants, shorts, and message believers in sack dresses, which the prophet condemned. Thus, the tables of vomit are extended under the message and amongst so-called message believers. Brother Branham states:
Another important factor that should be considered is the problem of contagious diseases. These should be reported to the ministry or pastor, especially in the case of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), AIDS, or herpes, for the welfare of others. These people with oozing sores on the lips, mouth, or tongue may have to be served in a private room, separately from the other saints. These are cases and things that we now have to deal with that Brother Branham did not deal much with while he was with us, for we are now living in a time of a Sodom and Gomorrah condition. These conditions, or problems from these conditions, have a way of coming into the church, and we want to try to use wisdom in dealing with God's sheep, and those who have given their hearts to Christ, yet with a medical problem, or contagious social disease. Top
Answer:In partaking of the Lord's supper, which is communion, we take it in Remembrance of Him and we should know what we are doing. It is sacred, and we want to be as sincere as we can be in taking it, and not take it by tradition, or formal repetition, without sincerity. Communion taking is a symbol of unity, oneness with one another, and the Word of God. One bread and one cup should be used, signifying one body. Communion service is a special service set aside to honor the death of the Lord. A table is set, usually in front of the pulpit, upon which is placed a bread baked by Christian hands, which is not round, as such represents Baal the sun god. A cup is set on the table, preferably made of silver as it represents redemption. Bottles of wine are also on the table, which are also made by Christian hands. The officiating minister sometimes preaches a short message, many times edifying believers and especially visitors who is eligible for communion and who is not. At the end of his exhortation, he changes the order of the service and invites the elders up to the table. Two to four Elders come forward to the Lord's table. One takes the platter with the bread and holds it up (Silver represents Redemption), while the other holds up the cup filled with wine, thus symbolizing the Body and Blood of the Lord hung upon the cross of Calvary. The minister then reads scriptures, and prays at this time. Musicians play the piano and the organ, together with other instruments. The bread is then blessed, and broken by the officiating minister. The other Elder then takes the silver cup with wine, and it is handed to the minister, who blesses it, and gives it back to the Elder. During all these activities, the congregation stands in reverence and respect. There is no trafficking in and out of the auditorium at this particular time. The people take their seats, but the minister continues to stand at the pulpit until the last person has taken the Lord's Supper. A number of persons, who are taking communion, come at a time to the table to partake of the Lord's Supper, while the remainder of the congregation is in prayer, confessing their sins and praying one for another. After communion has been served, then all go to do foot-washing, men to their separate areas and rooms, and women to their separate areas.
This bread represents, or symbolizes, the body of Christ, and it must be unleavened (baked without yeast), and made by holy hands, and the excess or remainder of bread after communion is finished needs to be eaten or burnt by morning, because the body of Christ did not see corruption, so you cannot allow the bread to remain to rot or decay. The Word will not see corruption. Wine must be made by people who are dedicated to God, and must not contain any leaven (yeast). All the wine that is poured into the cup must be used up-all that God was, He poured into Christ, and all Christ was, He poured into the Church-the Bride.
Similar quotations: "Jubilee Year 54-1003e & Key To The Door 62-1007."
After feet-washing, all the leftovers of the bread are taken up by one of the Elders and burnt or eaten. "And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire… it is the LORD'S passover." (Exodus 12:10-11). After all have washed feet, rejoicing and praising God, all then return inside Church, very reverently, to dismiss service with song, and then dismissal prayer. This, however, is at the pastor's discretion. If Elijah (Malachi 4) the prophet served communion this way, then we at Grace Covenant Church want to do it the same way. The Bible says take for example the prophets. Top
Answer: In the case of our Lord, He served communion to the disciples at supper time, the same night that He was betrayed. Communion is a type of the Passover which was observed at evening time (Exodus 12) it is to remember the Lord's death on the cross. He died at evening time; therefore the Lord's Supper (Communion) should be taken at evening time. The Lord served supper to the apostles at evening time and washed their feet.
Brother Branham served communion in his evening services, and he stated that the Branham Tabernacle served it once a month. We here at Grace Covenant Church take it once a month, in the afternoon or evening service. Many times weather conditions are involved in scheduling communion service. The pastors and church may need to take communion during an early service to try to be ahead of a prevailing storm, such as a hurricane, or a coming snowstorm. Top
Answer:Foot washing is an act of humility, of humbling yourself. Our Lord set this example for us.
Brother Branham established in his church that foot washing would come right after communion. It should be done in separate areas for the men, and for the women. A brother should wash and wipe a brother's feet and in turn be washed and wiped by the brother. Sisters should do likewise. If they feel to embrace and pray with each other it is welcome, but none should embrace and kiss the opposite sex. Songs and music are appropriate while feet washing service is in progress. Richard Gan from Singapore; one of the greatest perverters of the message, whose perversions are listed in an elaborate manner on exposition book 8, has even perverted the sacraments and order of feet washing. He advocates that feet washing can be done even before communion. Quote Ganism: "Q-3- Is the Lord's supper to be taken before feet washing? As I have mentioned before, the Three Ordinances are distinct and separate in themselves. So it does not really matter whether Feet washing or communion comes first. They could be held on separate days or nights. But Communion or the Lord's Supper must be taken only at night. The other two ordinances may be conducted in the day or night". Compare his heresies with the teachings of Brother Branham as follows:
All right, now you may different; that's all right. Let me just read St. John the 13th chapter... And listen to what Jesus Christ said Himself, and then I'll take you on over in the Testament and show you it's still observed on… 'If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet;... you ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do to one another as I have done unto you.' Over in II Timothy, Paul said, writing to the church, "Don't let a widow be brought into the church until she has washed the saints' feet." That's right. A feet-washing was observed all through the Bible days. And by God's help, if I keep my right mind, and God helps me, I'll observe it till I die. That's right. It is exactly a commission of Jesus Christ." (Qa. Image Of The Beast 54-0515).
![]() Feet Washing At CT. USA |