The following report is an example of the power of the revelation of Christ. The servant of God, Ronald Watson of Karnataka India successfully defeated the heresies and agents of Mr. Richard Gan of Singapore
Our books entitled "Exposition of Damnable heresies" are in circulation in many parts of the world. In India our main distributor is Pastor Ronald Watson. He is a great contender of the faith, Jude 1:1 and representative of the message of Malachi 4:5-6. He has won many battles against oppositions by heretics against the word of truth, which exposes heresies in his country. The Lord having such heroes of the faith planted on their own soil, have made my labors, yoke and burden very easy in spreading the word of truth. Insomuch that battles for the faith have not yet demanded my presence. Heretics are put down by our literatures and local servants of God. This brochure gives an account of a fierce battle between the agents of Richard Gan of Singapore and the agent of Jesus Christ Pastor Ronald Watson. The victory over Ganism and his agents were so great that meetings which were planned by Gan and his Agents must be rescheduled or aborted. The following is an account of such debate. In Coonoor, Tamilnadu State, South India. There are three Churches which believe the message of Malachi 4:5-6. The Pastors of the three churches are 1 Pastor Nesa Kumar, 2 Pastor Lawrence, and 3 Pastor Zion Jebraj. Pastor Nesa Kumar invited me for the meetings which were conducted by him and other ministers in his church of like faith. Meetings were held by Pastor Ronald Watson and two warriors of the faith, local servant of God on 24th -26th of October. They hate heresies like we hate them and preach against them. About Pastor Lawrence; he is a follower and agent of Mr. R.L.S. Gan and has two other followers in the city of Coimbatore where we earlier had meetings on 3rd to 6th of this month. Two agents of Mr. Lawrence are: 1 Self claiming Pastor Shadrack (27 years old) and his assistant Mr. James. These three agents of Gan are supported financially by Gan himself. He looks after their house rents and other expenses. And one more brother, He's convinced of the truth, he was converted from Hinduism a few years back, whose name is Jayaram was receiving Gan's books and he was one of the witnesses in the debate. Mr. R.L.S. Gan sowed seeds of discrepancy through these agents in the Coonoor, Coimbatore and Chennai (Madras). They also have contact with other agents of Mr. Gan in Bombay and Delhi. These agents tried their level best to deceive these humble Pastors Nesa Kumar and Zion Jebraj, but in the right time the Lord has sent us to these Pastors with the exposition books 2,4 & 8, which speaks more about Ganism. Because of our visiting and meetings in that area these agents of Gan have been disturbed a lot, and thought that they would be hindered from spreading the poisons of Ganism among these churches, so they targeted me mainly this time, to confront me with their false claims of Mr. Gan. But these agents again invited Mr. Gan in the month of November to Coonoor and they planned to conduct meetings there and in Madras, also ministers meetings are planned with Gan by these agents, all over India. Gan is much worried of his defeat in these areas by the EXPOSITION OF DAMNABLE HERESIES BOOK 2, 4, 8 and the preaching against his doctrines and isms by us. Watson preached three messages: 1 Blindness of Laodecea in so-called message believers, 2 Born again evidence. Mr. Gan's agents attended and they quietly taped the message. Thirdly, I preached, "Identifications of the true ministry of God." In this message, most of the things I took from book 8. The Lord's presence was there mightily. I tell you with fear and reverence in the work of the Lord, that truly this meeting brought one of the greatest success against the heresies of Gan. Only his heresies are dominant in that area. I have not heard of any other heresies except these heresies of Mr. Gan. This message, his agents also taped. After the meetings two Muslims were baptized in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, by me there. Both of them are husband and wife and they will be attending Pastor Nesa Kumar Church. After the meetings were over, agents of Gan approached me and asked me to have meetings with me regarding their Apostle's exposition in the book 8, so I had to stay one day more because of them, and IT WAS THE WILL OF THE LORD and the whole purpose of the meetings. Now, I write in detail about the meeting and debate between me and four Agents of Gan. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: "Because here we can't get Bro. Dalton Bruce, we are thinking of meeting you here regarding the exposition of our Brother R.L.S. Gan in book 8. Since you have contact with Brother Bruce, we would ask you and also one of the ministers about the exposition you know very well. We appreciate all your preaching and we also appreciate Bro. Dalton Bruce's printing books like these. After we read Exposition books 1 to 9, we came to know many heresies but we don't like the way he exposed Gan in book 8; we agree with all the rest. Please answer our questions regarding Bro. Gan? Ronald Watson's response: In the name of the Lord and by the help of the Holy Spirit, I now answer your questions, and I want you to leave the heresies of Gan, repent and get back to the true Word of God. This is what I need from you brethren. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Where did Bro. Gan say that he is Apostle, or Prophet, directly? Why did Bro. Bruce say in book 8 that Bro. Gan claims an office of Apostle? Ronald Watson's Answer: In book 8 Pastor Dalton Bruce quoted his own quotation saying that he is an Apostle. Please read his claim in his message called, "The foundation and the wall page 37,49. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Yes. What is wrong in calling himself an Apostle. Is there no office in the 5 fold ministry called an Apostle? Ronald Watson's Answer: Yes Amen! I believe there is an office in the 5 fold ministry, but that office is not only reserved for Mr. Gan. The body of Christ consist of these offices but it is not operated by one man called Gan from Singapore. There will rise many Apostles, but not now, it is AFTER THE TRUE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT CALLED ONE MORE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Outside of this all Apostles are FALSE. {2 Corinthians 11:14-15}. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: You mean, now there are no Apostles according to the message Malachi 4: 5-6? You said that you believe in a five-fold ministry, then how could you say that it is not now, and it is after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Ronald Watson's Answer: I believe now there are Apostles, but they are POWERLESS APOSTLES not yet set in order, and are under the fiery training and tests of God like Bro. Paul spent three years in deserts of Arabia before his apostolic ministry, but your Gan is in a luxurious city, not in the desert. They are under training in deserts. They are waiting for the power to come as on the day of Pentecost, "Until you be endued with the power from high," amen, then the true Apostles ministry will start. I believe in the ORIGINAL pattern of God according to the message. The rest are all powerless and it is useless. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: OK leave it. I also believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as you preached yesterday and I do believe in the five-fold ministry. I appreciate you preaching about them, then why don't we come close together, for the unity of the bride today? Ronald Watson's Answer: There is no unity under heresies, therefore the word of God says, "Why there are divisions among you, is because of heresies". If you appreciate my preaching, leave those false self claiming Apostles and wait for the true Apostles ministry. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Brother Gan is saying today that most of the followers of Malachi 4:5-6 message are making a mistake by quoting Branham's message but not quoting from the word of God. Ronald Watson's Answer: What is the difference between the word of God and the Message of Malachi 4:5-6? Is Malachi 4:5-6's message different from the word of God? Tell me? Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Hmmm; some are word of God but not all. Only where he says, "Thus Saith The Lord." Ronald Watson's Answer: You mean to say where he says, "Thus Saith The Lord", that only is the word of God and the rest are not the word of God? Then leave all. Take only, "Thus Saith The Lord" as granted as the word of God. This is the worst heresy I have ever seen among the so-called shameless believers of the message of Malachi 4:5-6. I don't like to identify you with the message of Malachi 4:5-6, but I believe his messages are recorded and printed in the books called "SPOKEN WORD BOOKS" and everything in the books and in the Tapes are the WORD OF GOD for me, and he is one of the greatest prophets in the Bible. If his messages are not the word of God then other Prophets in the Bible message are also not the word of God. I say, "Amen to every WORD OF THE PROPHET WMB." There is no use in discussing if you deny the prophets words are the word of God. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Do you believe that there will be a revelation come to the 5 fold ministry, and that revelation will be more than what the Prophet WMB received? Ronald Watson's Answer: There is only one revelation left for the church to receive and that is the 7 THUNDERS revelation. That one thing is not revealed. That's what the Prophet of God said; and that revelation is only for the church for Rapturing faith and it is not more than what the prophet had received. It cannot be called as less or more revelation. Revelation can not be measured as less or more; Christ is always in full measure, amen. because Prophet WMB's time was not the time for the 7 thunders revelation, it will be at the coming of the Lord. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: OK book 8, Ganism: "(1) He believes in prehistoric man, Quote: "Perhaps the serpent was like prehistoric man, maybe better looking, who existed long before modern man- the present Adamic race - was created some 6,000 years ago.' (The original sin page 1-1)" What is there wrong in it? Ronald Watson's Answer: According to the answer by Pastor Bruce in book 8, it is absolutely right according to the word of God. God created Adam in His own image. It is not necessary to illustrate about race, prehistoric etc., and years as science counts. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Quote of Gan in book 8: "(2) "Adam was not created to be a tiller of the ground. A son of God is not created to toil; he is a child of God. The Serpent-kind was created to be subjected to him to do the tilling.' (The original sin-page 47)." Yes, it is; the Serpent kind was created to be subject under Adam, since Adam is like a King Ronald Watson's Answer: If it was the serpent to till the ground then God would have commanded the serpent to help Adam to till the ground. But in the bible Adam was told to till the ground since there is NO MAN TO TILL. Don't mix up man with Serpent. Serpent was called a beast of the earth, it was not man. Maybe it is Mr. Gan's intellectual invention regarding the tilling. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Quote 3 of Gan in book 8: "(3) "Mendel's Law states that "every individual is the sum total of the Characteristics in its two immediate progenitors"... Cain, the son of the Serpent, ';) inherited a part of Eve's nature, the nature of the Spirit of God which was in Adam." (The original sin-page 27)." Cain had to inherit the nature of Eve, then the nature of the Spirit of God. I justify this quote, because Cain was also a worshipper. Ronald Watson's Answer: It is the biggest heresy. It's one of the insanity mentioned in the message called: "Knoweth it not". If Cain inherited part of the nature of Eve then he had inherited Adam's nature; that means he is part of God. So Cain also must have acquired eternal life, then Cain was also partially a righteous man. Maybe Mr. Gan wants to justify Cain that he also was partially a seed of God, because Mr. Gan himself likes to be identified already with Cain's seed. If it was so then the whole bunch of Cain's seed would have been saved. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: Quote 4 of Gan in book 8: "(4) "The two trees are two laws which govern the sexual reproductive organ which is found in the middle part of the human body (the garden). " (The original sin-page 61). Yes I agree with Bro. Gan. It is the middle part of the human body where the Garden of Eden was. Ronald Watson's Answer: It is one of the worst madness I have ever heard from you kind of people. I think Mr. Gan has lost his mind who writes all these. He writes all these for those people who are mad like him. If it was the middle part of the human body (the garden) then the Bridegroom and Bride will spend the Millennium upon the middle part of the human body, because the Bride must go back to Eden (the garden). Finish my brother; you are too smart to tell about your boss's madness, who is spending much of his time in a mental hospital in Singapore, writing all those mad things to make others like you mad. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: OK, you give me one chance; I will clarify your answers with Bro. Gan when he comes to India. I don't say that I don't agree with you, but I will meet you later to discuss more about other heresies. I really appreciate you because I never met a brother like you. You are so humble and so accurate in preaching, but I want all of us to come together. Ronald Watson's Answer: Let all the praises and glory go to the Lord. Don't say I am accurate in preaching. Here a greater than I is standing. Without Him I am nothing. I don't like to be praised, ok? I love you if you leave all nonsense, come and repent and believe the Truth which was delivered through the Prophet WMB. Don't agree with me but agree with every word of God. All of us cannot come together unless you give up your dirty heresies of the devil and repent for your heresies. Still there is forgiveness. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: "(5) "It was the intention of God that they would bring forth "seeds after their kind" by physical union. Sexual union was intended that the two shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24)...procreation was His primary objective, not sexual pleasure. Adam and Eve were supposed to come together in sexual union only in the due season of life to partake of that Tree of Life, which would bring forth sons and daughters of God which God had desired...According to the divine plan of God, Adam and his wife were expected to come together at the appointed time and season of life to eat of the Tree of life in the midst of the garden. The effect of such partaking would bring forth Sons and daughters of God with eternal life. " (The original sin-page 62,29)." There is no wrong in quote 5 of Gan in book 8. It is the will of the Lord that Adam and Eve should come together in sexual union at the permitted time of the Lord. Ronald Watson's Answer: I don't want to waste much of my time answering your boss' Mr. Gan's quotations. It was already refuted by the quotations of the Prophet, WMB. It was already refuted here below by the quotation from, "Does God ever change His mind 18/4/65", and my precious Pastor Dalton Bruce of Bethel, Trinidad has done a wonderful work to refute all the heresies of Satan. So I say, in the name of the Lord, that all here in book 8, page 47 to 52, mentioned as the quotes of Mr. Gan, is SATAN'S HERESY and it was refuted by the quotations of Bible and the message of Malachi 4:5-6, and it is put in the book called, "EXPOSITION OF DAMNABLE HERESIES, 8 IDENTIFICATIONS-7 THUNDERS MINISTRY VS IMPERSONATORS." Come out of it and repent. Agent of Gan: Shadrack: I would like to invite you for the ministers meetings in the month of November in Coimbatore, Coonoor and also in Madras, when our Bro. Gan comes to India. You must be present there; it is better to talk face to face. Bro. Gan and you will have to talk about his book entitled, "Prophetic Revelation", and your book: "Exposition of Damnable Heresies, 8 identifications of the 7 thunders ministry versus impersonators, Book 8." Ronald Watson's Answer: There is no need of talking with Mr. Gan. All his heresies are refuted and book 8 is my ultimate to Mr. Gan and you agents. First of all, you are unfit for a Pastor's position and you are not qualified for a Pastor's office. I don't respect you as a Pastor of the church. It's better you learn under a God called man in the church, who is called by the Lord for Pastoring in the church of God. So, it is my humble request to you all, please give up Ganism, all of you with Mr. Gan and repent and come back to the Truth. Among them, two of the brethren, Bro. James and Bro. Jayaram, are convinced of the truth and they indirectly promised to contact me through e-mail. Bro. Jayaram has been one of the strong supporters of Shadrack, before the truth were revealed to him. Shadrack is the main agent in south India for Mr. Gan. Jayaram has confessed to me that there are many things that are not right in Ganism. He has proven himself a faithful and humble brother desiring eternal life more than the wages of unrighteousness. May this brochure serve to warn all message-believers about the poisonous venom of Gan and his agents, who seeks to destroy every established doctrine of the bible and message of Malachi 4:5&6. They advocate that all the teachings of Brother Branham are not inspired, and take the liberty to interpret the scriptures, to prove such lies. Be it known to all true believers that the messenger of each age alone was given the revelation for their specific age. God held them in his hands and inspired them to speak the word of truth by divine revelation! The revelation of Brother Paul became the standard by which all apostles and preachers were to be judged.
This is the greatest defeat for Ganism in South India, and they are more troubled by our work of "Exposition of the Damnable heresies". There are many requests from the ministers and believers for all exposition books. Following names and addresses are agents of Richard Gan, others work under cover whose names do not appear here and have tried to solicit money from me and others, as pretended believers of the truth. They have sold their birth right for a bowl of soup like Esau. Gusto Gadama Lilongwe Malawi, James M. Veremu Seke- Chitunqwiza Zimbabwe, Moses A. Segite Nyaru Kenya, George M. Matthew West Malaysia, Franco Togonon Bulihan Silang cavite Philippines, Osel B. Dumanon Mahogany Butuan city Philippines, Ruben Lachica Capitol site Cebu city Philippines, Richard D'souza Sankli St. Byculla Bombay M.S. India, Hubert D'souza Colony Borivli West Bombay India, S. Sunderaraj Puthukudy Nagercoil- Kanyakumari India, Chandula Abeywickrema Dehiwala Sri Lanka, Peter Ochola Kampala Uganda. ![]() Pastor, Fellow-labourer and Distributor Ronald Watson |