E.O.D.H.’s exposition of Mister Tay and Andah, part one, was launched on 1st June 2016. Some of his heresies were exposed. More are to come on parts two and three, as soon as possible (A.S.A.P.).
Tay, before the placing of our first exposition on our website, gripped with fear and guilt of his heresies, frantically responded to our notice, which says, “Coming soon”, and our introduction.
We perceive, by his letter, that his defence of our exposition would be based upon lies, more heresies and a major heresy to defend his exposition, first to his followers and then to the world:
- His major heresy is to deny the teachings of the prophet, W. M. Branham, like his father Jackson, under the terminology of “non Bible-based quotations”, and his heresies presented as Bible-based. In so doing, he is trying to defend himself and his madness with a piece of a sword, which is more like a dagger. His defence is departed. It is unaccepted by true believers. We believe the teachings of W.M.B. one hundred percent. This alone disarms and further exposes Tay and Andah in a greater way to all true message believers. Yes, W. M. Branham said the Word is the absolute, if he said anything contrary. But who appointed these heretics to say which is wrong and right, and which quote is word-based and non Word-based?
- To deny his heretic father Jackson, his roots, his spirit and his birth that he received from his spiritual progenitor.
This he does by saying, “He is no longer following Jackson, since 2004 (the year of his decease), but we accused him for that.” We did not. It is a lie. We traced his roots and laid the axe to it. So he cannot escape by his lies, from this exposition.
- He is denying his own heresies, especially by technically asking “Have you heard and read where I said it is Brother Branham who is to restore the fivefold ministry?” He is technically denying that they believe that the fivefold ministry was restored after Brother Branham.” Andah firmly said that the fivefold ministry was restored. That is what we are referring to. Tay believes the same and expressed it by saying, “There is nothing between Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:1 but the fivefold ministry.” He believes that insomuch that he placed himself in it, and commanded the brothers of Ghana, not to speak in a meeting because they did not know their position in the fivefold. You dumb lying fellow, denying your own heresy. If you did not believe that the fivefold was restored, why did you ask that question to the brothers, and had them sit down in that meeting? You are playing with words. You know very well that God has set some in the church-fivefold. You are playing technical to trap us, like if we do not know that W.M.B. cannot set the fivefold. Only God can set the fivefold ministry in order. Tay, we have your sermons where you expressed the same like Andah. Do not lie.
How many other heresies would you now deny, which we exposed?
- You told lies on your last letter to us, being pretensive that we agreed with your pleadings to wait for your thirty errors you claim to have found in E.O.D.H., and that you were running off to Europe, and you pleaded for time. That is a lie. This exposition is not based upon your thirty errors falsely found. This is a different subject. Here is our lasts statement to you:
Quote Final reply to Tay: “Dear Sir,
Our agenda is in progress and coming to an end. You are much late with this letter. You failed to answer our question on the five-fold ministry. That closes our correspondence. Thank you. You will hear from us otherwise. We have no time to waste.”
Would you deny this that our correspondence was closed, and you deceitfully acted like it was not?
- Your great quotation of humility of the prophet, saying we should follow that pattern, is no excuse for your heresies being exposed. You sound like the good old priest. W.M.B. compared him with Jesus. Read Matthew 23, Jude 1 etc, for the great display of humility by Jesus and Jude, and come again.
- We await your thirty errors, and challenge you and the whole world to expose them. You cannot expose them by your dagger and the contender’s sword that you falsely claimed with Jackson, your father. Come with all the teachings of Brother Branham, all the scriptures, and not with a broken sword. Come on, answer up Mister Tay. Get your partner Andah to tell you about the restored fivefold ministry, and don’t lie and say that we said that W.M.B. set it in order. God hath set some in the church-fivefold. We await your defence on our first exposition, and also you, Mister Tay.
Here is your lying letter, love gospel, and pretensive humility in case you want to deny it, expressing your international pride, denial of our response, behaviour like if the correspondence was still open, your lying Spirit led mission to Europe:
Quote Tay: “My Dear Bro. Christian Greetings. Before going to Europe, I pleaded with you to let me get back to you on my return. In Europe I sent you the email you were requesting concerning my earlier email which you never responded to.
I am back by His Grace, ready to get the list of errors I've found in your BOOKS, but my attention has been drawn that you've already put me out as "HERETIC". Wow!
1) Your quotes that are not BIBLE BASED CONCLUSIONS are rather okay?
2) My quotes with BIBLE BASED CONCLUSIONS make me rather " HERETIC" and put out on your "book of life list" of "insults, names calling and brandings". Go ahead and lie about me by connecting me to Jackson. On record, I have not yet sent to you the errors in your books.
3) Have you heard and read where I said it is Bro Branham who is to restore the 5 fold ministry as you claim? Remember, on the 5 fold ministry I told you if you have Ephesians 4:11, 1Corinthians 12: 28 in your Bible.
4) May The Lord show us the HUMILITY - RESPECT- THE SPEECH and the LIFE the Prophet lived and the PERFECT LOVE he demonstrated to all even to his bitterest critics.
By the way, since 2004, Bro Raymond Jackson took me off their mailing list because of my disagreement with some of the things he was putting out. Shalom. God bless you. I love and respect you.”
Exposition Of Damnable Heresies (E.O.D.H.), the publishing arm of Bethel, The House Of God, has proven its integrity for many years, as the true representation of the Bible and message of William Marrion Branham (Malachi 4:5-6, Revelation 10:7, Revelation 3:14-22).
By this exposition entitled “Raymond Jackson’s Offspring – Heresies Of John Tay & James Andah – E.O.D.H. Exposition”, it has further magnified the Word. The revelation contained in the pages of many books, recorded sermons and written articles has proven itself undefeatable, unchallengeable and invincible against heretics, heresies and perverters of the written Word and message of the prophet, W. M. Branham.
The revelation of the seals has exposed and defeated all major heretics and heresies internationally. Message impersonators were publicly exposed on Bethel’s website (www.bethelthehouseofgod.net). All of their attempts were defeated, to defend themselves against our exposition of them as false Christs, false prophets, false apostles, and other self-appointed titles. Such exposition and fierce battles are documented in about twenty E.O.D.H. books. They have circled the globe for about sixteen years.
This revelation of the seals exposed the antichrist around the message, bringing great deliverance to message believers from the hands of message heretics.
Junior Jackson was exposed in book 12, chapter 16, pages 270 to 281. His offspring, Tay and Andah, on this exposition, have shamefully exposed themselves as heretics and offspring of Mister Jackson, by their own heresies as follows:
- Brother Branham restored the fivefold ministry, and a fivefold ministry was placed before the rapture.
- The mighty angel of Revelation 10:1 did not descend in 1963 at the opening of the seals, as Brother Branham said.
- Revelation 10:1 descends at the brink of the rapture, just before the blood leaves the mercy seat.
- Revelation 10:1 is a separate Angel from the 7th Angel with the seventh seal.
- The cloud over Arizona in 1963 and the cloud in Revelation 10:1 are not associated.
- The seven angels who met W. M. Branham never touched the earth.
- The revealing of the seals is different from the open book.
- There is no Bride age.
- The 144,000 Jews will not be killed.
- Son of man heresy.
This exposition was undertaken for a few reasons:
- To pick up the challenge of Mister Tay, who boasted of thirty errors he found in E.O.D.H. He was defeated before he could have presented such lies.
- To defend our E.O.D.H. ministers in Ghana, Africa, who uphold the revelation of the seals and are bringing deliverance to the souls of God’s children there.
- To expose the heresies of Tay, Andah, and all who preach their heresies, and to bring deliverance to elected children of God.
Written & Published By Dalton Bruce & Ronald Jack in May 2016
Exposition Of Damnable Heresies (E.O.D.H.) –
The Publishing Arm Of Bethel “The House Of God”
Preached By Pastor Dalton Bruce At Bethel Trinidad In April 2016